The South Lakeland Model Engineering Society (SLMES) is based in Lightburn Park in the old market town of Ulverston.
The Lightburn Park Railway, the home of the society is a dual gauge (3.5" and 5") raised track fabricated from steel, which gives us a running length of approximately 610 ft. Curves are a minimum of 40ft. radius. We are also fortunate to have the use of the former tennis pavilion adjacent to our line for meetings and storage...
Our Locomotives
Collectively, the members now own several steam, electric and petrol locomotives, additionally the club owns a 5" gauge "Achilles" steam locomotive, which can be used by club members.
Running Days
Our running days (subject to the availability of members) are every Saturday from Easter to October, 1.30pm to 4.30pm. During the winter months we still meet to work on the track and repair equipment.
We have informal evening meetings at the pavilion on the first Thursday in the month at 7.30pm, to which prospective members are cordially invited.